For two weeks now I have been tracking my fitness & nutrition in an attempt to get to a healthier me. So far, so good. I've lost a little, become more toned, & don't feel like I'm starving myself or overdoing it.
Most of my exercise has been solitary: using DVDs for yoga, pilates & even kickboxing. But every once in a while, one or both of the kids join me in a big walk around our neighborhood. We try to grab those milder, sunnier days that pop up sporadically in February & walk a 4 mile loop that takes us to the adjoining streets & culs-de-sac (& yes, it's culs-de-sac, we learned that on Gilmore Girls!). There are big steep hills, smaller rolling ones, stream crossings, wet lands & even a town park as part of our trail. We chat & observe what's around & about us. We change our pass as needed to accommodate everyones' comfort levels.
It is a really nice way to get some exercise!