Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring! Glorious Spring!

My goodness, it's a beautiful day!

We woke up to gray skies (& a forecast of rain later) but then the clouds burned off, the skies were blue & sunny & all seemed right in the world.

Last night, for the first time, I could hear the Peepers at night. What a great sound. The birds were chirping first thing in the morning & during breakfast, Phil & I watched a Coopers hawk hunt the little critters around the stone wall on the east side of the property.

After breakfast we walked around the yard, planning what to do with the wood we will gather from the downed trees, felled by the December ice storm. When we got back 'round the front yard area I made an unexpected discovery: my strawberry plants, planted last year in my Square Foot garden, were absolutely thriving! I pulled off the protective netting & accumulated leaves & found robust green leaves. In fact, there were some sneaky little strawberry plants growing outside the garden - growing where some of the berries must have fallen last year.

I cleaned up the box, pulling one by one the blades of grass that were also thriving! To my utter joy, I found many plump earthworms squirming their way throughout the rich soil. Happy, happy! Phil & I decided to let the entire box become the Strawberry Patch. We'll build some new boxes for which ever veggies we finally decide to commit to this year.

This afternoon, the kids attended a Manga & Candy Sushi event at the library. Phil & decided to take a long walk during their 2 hours there, then walked them back home. It was perfect walking weather. We could smell the smoke of several burn piles as families tried to rid their yards of their downed brush & limbs. It smelled like camp - ahh!

What a delight a Spring Day can be!

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