Tonight is the last night of ER. I've watched every single episode since its beginning. And its beginning happens to coincide with an important beginning for me.
The very first episode of ER, the pilot called "24 Hours", aired on Monday, September 19, 1994. Later that week, on Thursday, the day of the week that would be the show's home for the rest of its first-run life, Episode 2, "Day One" aired. That same night, September 22, 1994, was the night that I became a Mom. Kimberly was born in Booth Memorial Hospital, NYC.
I missed that episode that night.
But I saw the 3rd, & the 4th, & the 5th - week by week my new favorite TV show broadcast the stories of Mark Greene, Susan Lewis, Carol Hathaway, Doug Ross, Peter Benton & John Carter at County General. Over the years each of these "people" left, replaced by new characters who kept me coming back each year. After 15 seasons, ER sometimes shows its age, but then again, so do I! Even more obvious is Kimi's development from a newborn to a toddler to a young child to the amazing 14 year old person she is today.
Something interesting happened to us last spring. Kimi found ER on TNT in the mornings. It was Episode 2, the one that was "born" on her own birth day. She decided that she would watch more of them to see what the old ERs were like. She quickly became hooked & fell in love with the original cast. Thanks to Tivo & Blockbuster, we were able to see them all, even if we were away on vacations.
A few weeks ago we caught up. She has seen the span of her life expressed through the life story of ER. She knows all the old stories, saw the long-timers when they were just Baby Docs & shares with me a love of the show.
Tonight, their story concludes. And we will watch it, live. And we will laugh & cry & be grateful for all the joy this show has brought to us.
Goodbye, ER. We will miss you.