Monday, March 23, 2009


ARGH - Autodidactic Radical Gathering of Homeschoolers - is a twice a year hangout for unschoolers. Last weekend, we joined in the fun for the first time. We left MA late Friday night - I had a recital that night - & drove to NJ. Then on Saturday we drove the very long journey to Roan Mtn., TN. The state park maintains rental cabins that were far and above expectations. Clean, spacious & well-furnished, we had everything we needed to be comfy & cozy.

Not that we stayed in our cabin much! The Lovejoy-Higgins cabin was the place to be - & we were usually there if we weren't up at the nearby conference center.

Alas, our camera's charger is missing, so no photos. Suffice to say, there weren't a lot of dull moments!

One nice planned activity was a visit from Patti Digh, author/blogger of Life is a Verb - 37 Days - essays about the question of what she would do differently if she knew that she only had 37 days left to live. She read a bit from her book & shared some interesting, sometimes quite funny, stories about herself.

The kids had a blast running about with their friends. Not a lot of sleeping but, boy, were they happy!

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